Channel: Outdoor Boys
Category: Entertainment
Tags: winter survival campingcampingarctic ovensurvival campingcamping in cold weatherhot tent reviewwinter campingcamping in hot tentcamping with kidscamping in snowhot tenthot tent campingextreme winter campingwinter camping in hot tentcold weather camping
Description: Extreme Winter Camping at (-60F/-51C) alone with my 4 year old son in our hot tent. The extreme cold tests all of our gear and makes everything difficult. But we had a great time and made some amazing food. Check out our camping and adventure playlist Out tent is the Arctic Oven Igloo. Sleeping bags are the Feathered Friends Snowy Owl GoPro Hero 10 Food: Raclette Cheese, Reindeer mango Curry, Rice Pudding, Bacon and Eggs Outdoor Boys on FACEBOOK Outdoor Boys on INSTAGRAM @outdoorboyschannel BUY OUTDOOR BOYS T-SHIRTS