Channel: Outdoor Boys
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sleeping in snowcampingsurvival campingquinzheecamping in snow stormsolo campingwinter campingbushcraftbushcraft skillscold weather campingsolo survival campingcamping asmrdeep snow campingsnow cavewinter bushcraftwinter survival shelterbushcraft sheltercamping adventurewinter survival skillssurvivaldeep snow survival shelterquinzeecamping in snowsurvival skillswarm bushcraft sheltersurvival sheltercamping in snow cave
Description: Solo winter camping and bushcraft 9 feet (3 meters) under the snow. I hiked high up into the mountains during a snow storm with 30 mph/48 kmh winds to build a deep snow bushcraft survival shelter and snow cave (quinzee shelter). Check out this and more camping adventures on our camping video playlist: Outdoor Boys on FACEBOOK Outdoor Boys on INSTAGRAM @outdoorboyschannel BUY OUTDOOR BOYS T-SHIRTS