Channel: Bridget Nielsen
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: spiritual guidancenegative spiritual beingshow to connect with the spirit worlddiscernmentspiritualityspirit guide connectionspiritual awakeningangel messagespiritual beingstypes of spiritual beingsspirit guidecommunication with spiritual beingsascensionfalse lightlight beingentitieschannelinghow to connect with your spirit guideshow to contact your spirit guidesspirit guideslight beingspsychic abilitiesintuitionhigher spiritual beings
Description: 4 Levels of Communication with Spiritual Beings (Spirit Guide Connection) // Connect with your spiritual soul ➡ Click Here for my FREE mp3 meditation ➡ Spiritual Healing & Manifestation Process ➡ #spiritualbeings #spiritguides #spiritualguidance We are able to connect with spiritual beings or spirit guides depending on our level of awareness. The first level is the layer of the subconscious, the sleeping, and the willing. Spiritual beings communicate with us with a subtlety, which invites us to use different levels of perception. The second level is the dreaming realm which is connected to feelings and emotions. The third level is conscious communication where conceptional "downloads" are received and understood. The last level is the super conscious level of contact where you know the spiritual being who is communicating, its purpose, and the information download being given to you. :: REFERENCED VIDEOS :: How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides! Bridget Nielsen Spirit Guide Vs Negative Entity Guidance SHOULD YOU SHARE YOUR SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES? How To Increase Synchronicity & Spiritual Experiences ::: HELPFUL PLAYLISTS ::: Spiritual Development and Expansion Ascension & Spiritual Awakening Self-Help & Personal Development Shadow Work & Integrating Darkness On this channel, I share info on personal development, the law of attraction, health, how to raise your frequency, balance, empowerment, indigo children, high vibration, spiritual development, and spirituality.