Channel: Abraham-Hicks Publications
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: esther hicksrelationshipsmetaphysicalhappinesschannelingspirituality (literary genre)non-physicallaw of attractionsecretabraham-hickscheatinginfedelity
Description: DVD available here: “Partners allow you to discover what your power of attraction truly is.” “Your soulmate will give you grief – if he’s really a good soulmate.” What you really want in a relationship. “What you really want is expansion. What you really want is your own clarity. What you really want is an introduction to your own Guidance System. What you really want is self-sufficiency. What you really want is autonomy.” “You want to be able to stand out there anywhere with anyone. You want to say to anyone, bring it on because my happiness doesn’t depend upon the way you behave. My happiness depends upon my ability to focus.” Abraham’s Marriage Vows “We would like your marriage vows, or your relationship vows, to go like this: ‘Dear one, I want you to know that as much as I love you, there is someone who comes first before you. And that is my alignment with the Source within me. That is my Inner Being. That is who I am devoted to. That is who I’m aligned to. That’s who I’m feeling for. That’s what my commitment is to. And my promise to you is, that I will give you as much as I can – the fullness of me – not a separated me. I’m going to do my best to satisfy my alignment, and therefore give you the gift of living with someone who is aligned. And what that will be for you, what that will mean for you, how that will play out for you is: I won’ be needing or demanding from you behavior in order to keep myself happy. My happiness will be dependent upon my focus.” “My sense of well-being is not dependent upon your behavior.” “Not one person was assigned to you.” --- All things Abraham: All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and Workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission.