Channel: kacpi26
Category: Gaming
Tags: nightmare reaper easter eggsminecraftnightmare reaperthe shiningnightmare reaper secretsdoomduskevil deadrottserious samstardew valleyskyrimhalf lifeunrealdooteaster eggskacpi26gmanlivesdoomguyfireblusecretsquakepostal 2blake stonediablo 2super marioduke nukemcivvie 11dopefishicaruslives
Description: It's been a while, so let's start of with an oldschool styled boomer shooter, a combination of Brutal Doom, Wolfenstein and Minecraft, packed with many enemies, weapons and, most importantly, Easter Eggs! So let's take a look at 30 Easter Eggs, secrets and references I found throughout Nightmare Reaper. The game was in Early Access for two or three years, but finally reached Release state about two weeks ago so naturally I had to cover this! All levels are randomly generated, so these secret rooms, Easter Eggs and random events can be found on any map (Except for the green toxic rat, referencing Civvie 11, which is only found in the sewer level) Music: Background music comes from the game and it's composed by Andrew Hulshult The List: 0:19 01. Half Life (Microwave) 0:40 02. Minecraft (Diamond Ores) 0:59 03. Doomguy (Doom) 1:33 04. Doom Doot (Doom Mod) 1:57 05. The Shining 2:20 06. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2:44 07. Stardew Valley 3:04 08. Dopefish Lives 3:22 09. Andrew Hulshult 3:46 10. Postal 2 (Milk Errand, Tshirt, Petition Errand) 4:13 11. Viscera Cleanup Detail 5:26 12. Diablo 2 (Peg Leg, Portal) 5:59 13. Rise of the Triads 6:32 14. Duke Nukem 3D 6:52 15. Blood (Jojo) 7:10 16. Dusk 7:26 17. The Evil Dead (Book, Shotgun, Chainsaw) 7:46 18. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold 8:12 19. Serious Sam 8:24 20. Civvie 11 8:56 21. Gmanlives 9:11 22. Miss Slaughter Gun (The Judge) 9:43 23. IcarusLives 9:58 24. Hall of Fame / Memes 10:42 25. Radiation (Chernobyl?) 11:15 26. Fireblu (Zdoom) 11:31 27. Logo + Axe 11:51 28. Railgun (Quake 2) 12:31 29. Flak Cannon (Unreal) 13:05 30. Super Mario Thank you for watching! Stay tuned for more Easter Eggs and Secrets!