Channel: ExcelIsFun
Category: Education
Tags: vlookup functionspilled array formulasshow report filter pagesformulas and functionstop 10highline collegemike girvinemtmonthly employee sales by departmentexcel is funexcel magicpivottableexcel functionsexcel funpivot tablexlookup functionexcel report trickslistexcelexcel magic trick 1779emt 1779microsoft 365 excelexcel 365excel formulastop 5filter pivottableexcelisfunmany reports with single clicktop 3
Description: Download Excel File: Solution file here: Learn how to create a Monthly Employee Sales By Department report three different ways. Each with their own spectacular use. Three methods for building report: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2. (00:43) Intro to 3 Methods 3. (01:06)XLOOKUP function, a Spilled Lookup Formula and a PivotTable. 4. (03:53) Relationships and a Data Model PivotTable. 5. (07:40) VLOOKUP function and Show Report Filter Pages (#1 PivotTable Trick). 6. (10:38) Summary 7. (11:11) Closing and Video Links