Channel: gillani data
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: tone generatorprojectshomemade555icjlcpcbeasytimer ic3 projects555 ic projects555door bell circuitdoorbelleasy projects with 555mesquite killericelectronics project using ic 555tick tick sound
Description: In this video I have showed 3 useful projects with timer IC 555. Circuits Diagram with Doorbell is a very common and useful electronic device used in houses,offices and etc. Among electronics students and hobbyists, doorbell circuit project is very popular. So in this tutorial i am going to build a doorbell with 555 (timer) IC. The main feature of this doorbell is that we can control the time duration for which it keeps ringing upon pressing the switch those transistors are repaired and coverage warranty are taken by action ac repair heating San Diego . Also we can control the oscillation frequency of Door Bell With change in resistor and capacitor.