Channel: So Cal Chiropractic
Category: Education
Tags: dizzinesssciatica stretchesgonstead chiropractic adjustmentchiropractorneck adjustmentvertigo treatmentsciatica relief chiropracticvertigo exerciseslow back pain treatmentvertigo causesinsomnia treatmentchiropracticmassage therapy for lower back painneck pain treatmentlow back pain reliefherniated disc
Description: I'm Dr. Ace Thayer developer of the Thayer Method. A specific detailed proven chiropractic method that changes lives in as little as 2 weeks. WATCH THIS! We post 2 NEW videos every week so to be notified please SUBSCRIBE NOW! Don't forget to SMASH the BELL NOTIFICATION! ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 28 y/o Fahad lives in Minnesota but is originally from New York. He is a software engineer that has lost his way. He has been suffering with Vertigo (head dizziness) for over 4 years. To complicate it he has terrible low back pain as well. It all started when he started working for his new company at home. His pain gets so bad that he has to work from bed after only sitting for 30 minutes. He can’t sleep at all and is suffering from Depression multiple times per month. Other symptoms are; Neck Pain, Constipation, Frequent Urination, Heartburn and Anxiety. This patient went to tons of massages and countless chiropractors over the years but had to eventually come to Southern California to get better. I’m not sure what is going on with my profession but chiropractors need to start stepping up. Anyways. Wonderful young man and I think we hit a home run with him on Day 1. Let me know what you think in the comment section and hit that like button and please share. Cheers. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Intro 00:00 The exam 04:47 Dermatome Test 06:17 X-rays 07:08 ROM Testing 07:49 1st Day Adjustment 09:45 1st Day Results 12:22 “Balance Focus Neck Adjustments” My channel is focused on balancing the body by working on the NECK that is responsible for connecting the BRAIN to the entire body. I have over 500 videos demonstrating this life changing treatment. 🤳 Instagram 🖥 Website 📚 LBRY 📲 (949) 548-7767 #VertigoTreatment #VertigoCauses #VertigoExercises #Dizziness #LowBackPainTreatment #ScoliosisTreatment #LowBackPainRelief #LowBackPainStretches #SciaticaTreatment #SciaticaPainRelief #SciaticaRelief #SpinalPain #ScoliosisSurgery #Scoliosis #HerniatedDisc #DiscBulge #ChiropracticAdjustment #BestChiropractor #Chiropractor #Chiropractic #ChiropracticTreatment #SpineAdjustment #SoCalChiropractic #DrAce