Channel: Benny Lewis
Category: Education
Tags: will benny be at the polyglot conferencedoes benny speak japanesehow to teach on italkilearn a language on a budgetlearn a language alone or in a classlive q&awhat if they refuse to speak their languagehow to become a polyglotmaintain interest in a languagedifferent method to learn romance and asian languagestime for fluency in esperantolive language learning questionsbenny lewis livelanguage learning livelivedoes benny speak greek
Description: Since there were so many questions on Saturday's live hangout, I wanted to do another one, at this earlier time to allow timezones were the previous one was too late. Feel free to come ask anything on your mind related to learning your target language, and I'd be happy to give you some encouragement! Come at 11am EST / 4pm GMT / 5pm CET / 8am PST and I'll try my best to answer as many questions as I can about language learning. See you soon! 1:47 What was your biggest help in learning Irish? 3:23 Do you speak Japanese? 3:50 Do you speak Greek? 4:53 Do you use the same method with Romance languages as Asian languages? 7:32 Will you learn any new languages intensively, or only maintain your existing ones? 9:00 I’m a teacher on italki and I find it more difficult to teach beginner language students than intermediate. Any advice from a teacher’s perspective? 12:27 Do people ever refuse to speak to you in your target language? 15:50 How do you learn a language on a limited budget? 17:31 How long did it take you to get fluent in Esperanto? 18:49 Are you going to attend the Polygot Conference in Iceland? 19:29 What is the biggest difference between learning a language in an academic setting versus teaching yourself? 22:03 I'm currently learning Spanish, but I'm learning the formal type Spanish so it is much more difficult to communicate with the Mexicans here in Texas. Any advice for learning slang? 25:11 Will you brush up your Quebec French before attending the conference in Montreal? 26:38 What resources do you recommend for Russian? 27:22 What’s it like to go to a polyglot conference? 28:49 Any advice for giving a presentation in your target language? 30:43 How many languages is it safe to learn at once? 31:22 How do you maintain your languages? Do you practise them in conversation frequently, or just practise passively? 33:35 What languages would you teach your kids? 35:01 Can you ladder from one Romance language to another? E.g. Spanish and Italian. 35:38 How do you maintain your interest in language learning? 37:58 Do you ever stop people on the street when you hear them speaking a language you speak? 40:31 What to do if all your skills are B2 but your listening is A1? 42:55 I’ve been learning French for a couple of years now and I still can’t understand anything being said to me. Any tips or ideas? 44:08 How do you learn English fast? 44:26 What’s your #1 tip for becoming a polyglot?