Channel: Angie Atkinson
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: narcissist lies about mepathological lyingangie atkinsondo narcissists lienarcissistic girlfriendwhy do narcissists lielies narcissists tellfuture faking narcissistfuture fakinglies narcissist tellnarcissist lies about everythingnarcissist lies and cheatingnarcissist lies all the timewhy do narcissists lie so muchnarcissist lieswhy do narcissists lie about everythingnarcissistic boyfriendnarcissistic personality disordernarcissist lying
Description: 21 Lies Narcissists Tell, Translated - Narcissists are pathological liars, and they're often such effective liars that they, themselves, will start to believe their own lies. So many of their lies go undetected for years or even lifetimes. This is not about "little white lies." If a narcissist is lying to you, there's a reason. They could be lying to manipulate you or because they're losing their grip on reality and are trying to make their lies true. This list will help you determine what they're saying is the truth and what is a lie. Here, Angie Atkinson shares 21 common lies narcissists tell and translates exactly what each means. Remember that knowledge is power, and when you understand how the narcissist lies, you'll understand how to deal with them most effectively. Stay tuned until the end where Angie shares the 4 steps to becoming a narcissist lie detector. Discover. Understand. Overcome. It's how smart people change their lives! Subscribe to my channel: **NEW!! Become a member of my channel! **Never miss a live session! Just text "AngieLive" (no spaces) to 33222 and I'll send you a text each time I get ready to go live! Schedule a coaching appointment with me at or Start your healing at Take your life to the next level at Get my books at, pick up your free 7-day fear-busting email course (specially designed for narcissistic relationship survivors) at Join SPAN (Support for People Affected by Narcissism in toxic relationships) - AKA "The SPANily" - at Let's Also Connect On: Facebook at Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Twitter: