Channel: TerraMantis
Category: Gaming
Tags: previewcoldwalkerubiosftmodsrevealco-optom clancy's ghost recon breakpointlmghands-onprone camotrailercole d. walkervectorraidsspecializationsrpgnew ghost reconimpressionsnomadpunisherbreakpointtakedowncqcterramantisshooterwalkthroughjon bernthalweaponsgameplay
Description: This video is sponsored by Ubisoft. Checkout Ghost Recon Breakpoint here: Recently I was invited by Ubisoft to checkout a behind closed-doors demonstration of an early access Alpha build of the new Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. At the event I was able to interview the game’s director, and between hands-off and hands-on gameplay demos I spent a little over an hour with the actual gameplay of Breakpoint. I thought I’d be a good idea to speak about what’s changed in Ghost Recon and what improvements Breakpoint has made to the tactical, open-world, squad shooter. Twitch: Twitter: Please help support my channel with Patreon: Video Editing: Sony Vegas Pro 13 Audio/Editing: Audio Technica AT2020 Mic Adobe Audition Image Editing/Text: GIMP and PS CS5