Channel: Martin Drumev
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 1 hourbackflips challenge1 hour challengebackflipmartin drumevbackflips100 backflips in an houris it possible 100 backflips1 hour 100 backflipsdrumev100 backflipschallengebackflip challenge100 backflips 1 hour1 hour backflips
Description: 100 Backflips In 1 Hour Challenge. It was the best challenge that I have done till now! --------------------------------------------------- 👕 Drumev Power Merch 👉 ❤️ Gain access to weekly tutorials, my training methods, secrets etc 👉 --------------------------------------------------- Instagram 👉 TikTok 👉 --------------------------------------------------- Do you have any ideas for the next video? Let me know in the comments down below.