Channel: Alltime10s
Category: Education
Tags: health dangerlight pollutionsmell lossmobile phonesdangerousphonesloss of smelldesk jobtop 10lonelinesslost smellretirementphones are killing usthings that are dangeroushealth issuesalltime 10sthings killing usmatthew santorocell phonesworst things for your healthoverworkedmodern lifenoise pollutionhealthadded sugaroverworking10stop5alltime10lack of sleephealth risksways modern life is killing ussugardiabetes
Description: Life has changed a lot in the last couple of decades. These days we've got cell phones that can tell us everything, most of us have desk jobs, and a number of us are overworking and not sleeping enough. That's without the rise in noise and light pollution! There are a number of things affecting our health every single day and we might not even be realizing it. Lucky for you, Alltime10s is here to tell you all of the things you're doing that could be destroying you. These are 10 Ways Modern Life Is Killing Us. Click to Subscribe.. FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: What mic do we use for our voice overs?: What camera do we use to film?: What computer do we edit on?: Check out the best of Alltime10s - Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: Twitter: