Channel: Don Georgevich
Category: Education
Tags: how to feel good about yourself againhow to feel goodhow to feel good about yourselfhow to feel good when you are sickhow to feel good everydayfeel goodhow to feel good all the timehow to feel good enoughhow to feel good about your bodyhow to feel good when you are sadhow to feel good enough for yourselfhow to feel good in the morninghow to feel good again
Description: Interviewing for jobs can be stressful, which led me to share my 10 reasons that I think are good enough to make anyone feel good about their life conditions. If you are feeling down, these 10 reasons will certainly pick you up and make you feel good today or any day for that matter. In this short video, you'll discover that you have everything you need to feel good today. #feelgood #feelgoodtoday #feelgreattoday Moving into 2022, got me thinking about all the things I’m grateful for. Sure, we’re in a pandemic and it’s not fun. I sit home a lot more than I used to, and well, it sucks, but life goes on. As I read through the comments, I can sense that some of you are unhappy and displeased with the job market and how employers treat people, where other people are doing very well and getting hired for jobs they want. Some feel the system is broken and express that quite vividly. But I’ll be the first one to tell you that I can’t fix any of that, nor would you expect me to. But reading through some of the comments just got me thinking about things that I’m grateful and make me feel better every day. And I’m willing to bet that some of things that make me feel better, will help you too, so here is my list of my top 10 things that make feel good today or any day. The list is far from all-inclusive, but it does cover my most important points: 1--Any day you wake up and don't have cancer is a good day. 2--Any day when you can breathe freely and move without pain is a good day. 3--Any day you live in a house or apartment where the roof doesn't leak when it rains, you have hot and cold water, and heat in the winter and AC in the summer, is a good day. 4--Any day you still have your eyesight, hearing, mobility, and no loose screws upstairs memory is a good day. 5--Any day you have enough healthy food to eat -- or in a pinch, enough of any food to eat that you won't starve -- is a good day. 6--Any day you have a family that loves you, and they are happy and healthy, is a good day. 7--Any day you do at least one kind thing for a relative, friend, or stranger is a good day. 8--Any day without annoying problems large or small, a good day. 9--Any day you are productive and can make meaningful contributions to society and produce good work is a good day. 10--Any day your kids are happy and healthy is a particularly good day, both for you and for them. Remember, you are only as happy as your unhappiest kid. Any day that you can access the all worlds information from the beginning of time, learn a new language, watch a movie, listen to music, or buy anything, ALL while using a small handheld device, and sipping on a latte at your favorite coffee house, is an extraordinarily great day. What else would be on your list for a good day? Let me know in the comments. ************************************************************************************** DOWNLOAD THE TOP 10 BEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR FREE: ************************************************************************************** 👇 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND LIKE THE VIDEO. Thank you 😊 BEST AND MOST POPULAR VIDEOS BY DON GEORGEVICH ON YOUTUBE: 10 Interview Questions Employers ASK: The Best People Prefer Culture over Salary - Here's why: Tell me about yourself - easy answer: How to Effectively Prepare for a Job Interview: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?: 3 Easy Things You Must Do to Get Hired for ALL JOBS: 💯 VALUALBE INTERVIEWING RESOURCES RECOMMENDED BY DON: ➡️Learn how to answer the most common interview questions: ➡️Learn how to write a great resume: ➡️Get coached like by Don: ➡️Get Learn how to write a thank you letter: ➡️Don’s NEW HIRING GUIDE: ➡️Get Don’s hiring guide on Amazon: 👇 FREE DOWNLOAD: Don Recommends the Top 10 Interview Questions for you. CONTACT DON: ************************************************************************************** DOWNLOAD THE TOP 10 BEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR FREE: ************************************************************************************** 👇PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND LIKE THE VIDEO. Thank you 😊