Channel: Leila Gharani
Category: Education
Tags: rept functionbommicrosoft excel tutorialsexcel lookup functionbill of materials excelexcel for analystsexcel mechanical enginnersxelplusvisadvanced excel trickslookup find parentxelplusadvanced excelexcel engineeringexcel tips and trickslearn excelengineersmicrosoft excelleila gharaniexcel 2016excel 2019microsoft 365excel 2013excel online courseexcel 365excel formulas and functions for interviewexcel engineers
Description: If you work as an engineer, make sure you learn these Excel functions and Excel formula combinations. They'll make your work life a LOT easier (specially if you're a mechanical engineer) and they work in all Excel versions. Some of these are basic Microsoft Excel formulas and functions and some are more advanced Excel formulas. All are great for engineers and anyone else who'd like to use Excel more efficiently. If you're working with data for bill of materials, part numbers, or need to calculate extended quantity, this tutorial will help you. 🌍 My Online Excel Courses ► 00:00 The Most Important Excel Functions in Engineering 00:55 Working with a Bill of Material (BOM) in Excel 01:37 REPT Function 03:11 TRIM Function 03:48 LEN & SUBSTITUTE Function 06:04 LEFT 06:42 FIND Function 07:55 RIGHT Function 09:11 LOOKUP Function 12:09 IFERROR Function 12:56 IF Function 13:40 Bonus: Calculating Extended Quantity 14:43 Wrap Up ⯆ DOWNLOAD the workbook at the bottom of the blog post here: 🎬 LINKS to related videos: - 5 Excel Functions YOU NEED in 2021: - Basic Excel Formulas and Functions You NEED to KNOW!: - Excel IF Function explained in detail: 🎒 Get the Official XelPlus MERCH: 🎓 Not sure which of my Excel courses fits best for you? Take the quiz: 📚 Excel RESOURCES I Recommend: 🎥 GEAR I use: More resources on my Amazon page: Let’s connect on social: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Note: This description contains affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, we will receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the links. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support! #MsExcel #Billofmaterials #BOM