Channel: Top Gear
Category: Autos & Vehicles
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Description: Despite first appearances, steel fabricator Dion truly loves his 2008 MK7 Ford Transit. His van is a genuine workhorse, ferrying Dion and his welding kit to and from clients. He spends several hours a day in the van – eating and drinking on the go (steak pie, anyone?), leaving the cab covered in takeaway wrappers and a mystery liquid… Don the hazmat suits - it's one for the Top Gear Clean Team. Subscribe to Top Gear for more videos: MORE ABOUT TOP GEAR: Want to watch a bit of Top Gear on the internet? Welcome to the most comprehensive collection of official clips you'll find on YouTube. Whether you're searching for a caravan challenge, Ken Block in the Hoonicorn, cars versus fighter jets, Stig power laps or the latest Chris Harris Drives, you can find all the iconic films here. Want to share your views with the team? Join our BBC Studios Voice: This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback