Channel: Love Withstanding
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: lovewithstandingblasianrevealsudaneseasianblackphotonewborngirlkoreancutesecondcutestbaby girlafricanfilipinobabynamefamilybaby #2daughtergalleryadorable
Description: In the midst of a pandemic, the year 2021 brings about a sign of hope with the wonderful addition to the Love Withstanding family. On January 24th at 10:18pm, our second-born daugther was brought into this world, and changed our lives forever. Our first-born child, Sabrina, was promoted to big sister, and the Park family officially became a QUARTET of vloggers! Our heartfelt thanks go out to our lovely viewers, our sweetest subscribers #lovewithstanders, our dearest friends, and our families for following along on our journey. THANK YOU for all your love, support, prayers, well wishes, and feedback! Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @justinsarahpark