Channel: Simple English Videos
Category: Education
Tags: etymology of english wordsvocabulary wordspronunciationhorses mouthbest manrule of thumbspeak englishfluencyhorse's mouthbottoms upvocabularyenglish idiomsidiomsenglish lessonred herringlearn englishenglish conversationgift horseesl
Description: Learn some interesting English idioms and the stories that lie behind them. We'll show you what they mean and also how to use them in action. In this video you'll learn about these common English idioms: - from the horse’s mouth - looking a gift horse in the mouth - Bottoms up - rule of thumb - a red herring - best man This is the third in a series of video English lessons on the etymology of common English idioms - so their origins and history. If you've ever wondered where an idiom came from, or how to use it in practice, you're going to love this series. Make sure you subscribe to this YouTube channel. Facebook Page: Twitter: @vickivideos To get notified by email when we publish a new video, sign up to our mailing list: Visit our website to see our videos with transcripts and much more: There you can get email updates on new videos and live classes and also download a free copy of 'Fix It', a checklist for correcting common English mistakes