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Indefinite Integrals - JEE Main Maths Analysis - Quick Revision with PYQ - Most Repeated Concepts

Duration: 01:00:42Views: 1.7KLikes: 101Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: COACHengg

Category: Education

Tags: indefinite integrals quick revisionjee advanced 2022coachengg mathsindefinite integrals jee mains pyqsubstitution method in integrationintegration by parts jee mainintegration partial fractioncoachenggjee mainsintegration most repeated conceptsjee main maths analysiscoachengg appintegrals quick revisionindefinite integralsindefinite integrals jee mainjee main 2022integration most repeated questionsintegration jee main pyq

Description: *Indefinite Integrals - JEE Main Analysis PDF* bit.ly/3KKfIKG MATHS Quick Revision and JEE Main PYQ Analysis PLAYLIST youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrEq8IaMha9iR75V7h9urmtD7pwz2zLT In this video, we are going to do JEE Main PYQ Analysis of the Chapter INDEFINITE INTEGRALS and will do a quick one shot revision of the concepts of INDEFINITE INTEGRALS. By - Nitesh Choudhary B. Tech. IIT Bombay @COACHengg 01:30 - INDEFINITE INTEGRALS JEE Main Analysis 05:19 - Substitution Type 1 17:30 - Substitution Type 2 23:33 - Trigonometric Types 40:25 - Differentiation Technique 45:43 - Integration By Parts 57:23 - Important Points to Revise *INDEFINITE INTEGRALS JEE Main Questions PDF bit.ly/3DflQYx *Link to Download COACHENGG App play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rdnc.coachengg *Link to follow on Instagram instagram.com/nc_maths * To join MATHS Crash Course WhatsApp 9461980369. __________________________________________________________ INTEGRATION JEE MAIN SYLLABUS Integral as an anti-derivative, Fundamental Integrals involving algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithms functions, Integrations by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by partial functions, Integration using trigonometric identities, Evaluation of simple integrals of the type, Integral as limit of a sum, The fundamental theorem of calculus, properties of definite integrals, Evaluation of definite integrals, determining areas of the regions bounded by simple curves in standard form __________________________________________________________________________ In this session, Nitesh Sir will discuss integration iit jee, which will be helpful for you to crack jee mains 2020. 1. integration iit jee 2. indefinite integration iit jee 3. integration jee 4. integration for jee mains 5. integration jee mains questions 6. jee mains integration questions 7. integration jee mains 8. integration previous year questions jee mains 9. jee integration questions 10. indefinite integration jee mains questions 11. definite integral iit jee questions 12. definite integration jee mains questions 13. integration jee questions 14. definite integral jee mains questions 15. indefinite integral iit jee questions

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