Channel: Natacha Océane
Category: Entertainment
Tags: lunchexercisewhat i eatbalancedwhat i eat in a dayfitroutinefitnessdietdaymeal planrecipescalorieseatingdinnerintuitivefoodnutritionfull dayworkouthealthynatacha oceanebreakfastmealsnatacha
Description: For science-based home and gym workout programmes to build muscle, lose fat, or get athletic, my training + nutrition guides approved by a world-leading nutrition expert behind the British Olympic team are available on ❤️ —————————————————————————————— My Instagram: —————————————————————————————— I hope you enjoy this What I Eat in a Day! I’ve put down the recipes below so I hope you enjoy!! PANCAKES (serves 2) (mine were made without measuring anything out but here’s a very very similar recipe!): 1/2 cup Ground oat flour 1/2 cup Plain flour 1 cup Milk of choice (I used soya milk) 1tbsp Oil (preferably not garlic infused) 1 tsp Salt 2tbsp Maple syrup 1/2 tsp Baking powder Mix all the dry ingredients together, then add half the soya milk. Mix until a thick batter, then add the soya milk bit by bit to keep the mix smooth. Finally, mix in the oil and maple syrup. Heat a pan to medium/high heat and pour batter. Once small bubbles have started to pop on the surface, flip the pancake and cook until both sides are golden brown. Serve with whatever you love 😘😘😘 GREEK SALAD + CHICKEN (serves 2): 1 large Cucumber 5 large Tomatoes 1/2 Red onion 1 Green pepper Handful Mint (optional but really good!) ~20 Olives 1/2 pack Feta 1tbsp Dried oregano 1/2 tbsp Olive oil 2-3tbsp Lemon juice Salt 2 Chicken breast (seasoned) Heat a pan to medium/high heat and cook chicken breast until juices run clear and cooked throughout. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables by cutting them up into small cubes. Mix together and add in olive oil, lemon juice, salt and oregano. Serve the salad with the chicken breast and some bread (: enjoy (: PRAWNS, AVOCADO SALAD + POTATO WEDGES (serves 2): 4 large Potatoes 2 Roasted rep peppers (from a jar) 2 medium Avocados 1 handful Parsley 1 small handful Chives 250g Prawns (cooked or uncooked, mine were already cooked) 2 tbsp Olive oil Salt + pepper Heat the oven at 180C. Cut the potatoes in thick wedge strips (~1 inch thick). Place in a baking tray and mix in chives, salt + pepper and 1-2 tbsp olive oil. Place in the oven for 40min and keep flipping them every 10mins if you want them extra crispy (: xx Cut the avocado into chunks and chop the parsley. Mix together with 1tbsp lemon juice and salt and set aside. Then, add a touch of paprika and salt to the prawns, fry on high heat for 2-3 minutes and serve together with the potatoes, avocado and chopped red peppers. This is where I get my youtube music from! (30day free trial) — (this is an affiliate link so it helps support my channel without costing you extra, but if you’d prefer not to use it that’s ok too ❤️) —————————————————————————————— Outfits: Most of my gym outfits are from Gymshark (: 🦈: This is a commission link, it doesn’t change the price of your purchase it just helps support my channel but if you prefer not to use it I still love you 😘