Channel: neo
Category: Education
Tags: joe colombopanton chairverner pantonethan zuckermanwhyhowdesignthermoplasticsgrosfillexneodevil may cryarchitecturewassily chairsociety of geekschairvergilcheapanalysismarcel breuermonoblocplastichelmut bätznervergil'schair universalevergil chairexplainermouldedmould
Description: If you want to support documentaries like this make sure to subscribe! _____ Further reads on this topic: Zuckerman, Ethan: Those White Plastic Chairs, The Monobloc and the Context-Free Object: Vice Interview with Zuckerman on this topic: 2017 Exhibition at the Vitra Design Museum: _____ Follow neo on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Video description: No matter where in the world you’re from, it is very likely that you have already sat in this chair at some point in your life, probably even several times. This is the so-called Monobloc, probably the best-selling chair in history. And still, it’s getting a lot of hate. But why is it everywhere and is it an example of good or bad design? Music from Further Information at the end of the video. Some music tracks are ones we made ourselves so if you are looking for a specific track but it isn't one listed at the end of the video then that's the reason. Keywords: monobloc,chair,design,architecture,explainer,why,how,plastic,mould,moulded,cheap,thermoplastics,analysis,Wassily chair,marcel breuer,Helmut Bätzner,Chair Universale,Joe Colombo,verner panton,panton chair,Grosfillex,ethan zuckerman, vergil, vergils chair, vergil's, Devil May Cry