Channel: Beyond Ghibli
Category: Education
Tags: sharpen your dragonslayersrecommendationsnew chapterblood and gutstell me whycascaberserk 2016berserk 2017358video essaymangaguts ragekentaro miurajoe o'connellberserkgolden age arcgriffithbeyond ghibliretrospectiveanalysisberserk ps2berserk 1997flame dragon knightsword of the berserkyoung animalberserk and the band of the hawkanime
Description: Berserk is a spectacular manga that has enjoyed thirty years of bloodthirsty beauty. Today on Beyond Ghibli I take an in-depth look at every facet of this fascinating franchise, and explain why it deserves the sacrifice of both your time and money. Mild, out-of-context visual spoilers throughout this video. Consider supporting me on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter: Chapter List: 00:00 Prologue 01:07 Chapter 1 - A Thirty Year Sacrifice (Manga) 08:23 Chapter 2 - Guts In Motion (Anime) 09:23 - Berserk 1997 12:23 - The Golden Age Arc Film Trilogy 16:19 - Berserk 2016-2017 19:24 - Anime Conclusion 20:47 - Chapter 3 - A Digital Dragonslayer (Videogames) 21:52 Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage 25:00 Berserk: Chapter of the Holy Demon War 28:50 Berserk and the Band of the Hawk 32:52 - Chapter 4 - Never Struggle Alone (Conclusion) 36:55 - Credits Berserk: The Motion Comic - Studio Taka: Guts Bloody Nightmare Unboxing - Viet Collector: #Berserk #KentaroMiura #SharpenYourDragonslayers