Channel: NeatMike
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mikeneatmike po boxneatmike snapchatneatmike q&afunny vlogf2neatmike nameneatmike drinkingneatmike vlogneatmikebirthday unboxingpo box unboxingneatmike ageneatfunnypo boxrocket leaguealcoholicneatmike unboxtarantulawooflessneatmike addressneatmike gayunboxingneatmike livemessymikeneatmike infojon sandmanspider
Description: The messiest unboxing of stuff I have done yet... ► Twitter: ► Instagram: ► Snapchat: NeatMikeYT ► PO Box: NeatMike PO Box 1104 Eau Claire, WI 54702 ► Song: none cause i forgot and should be ashamed In this video I receive a bunch of packages and stuff from you guys. I got a tarantula and some alcoholic stuff (cause ya know neatmike is an alcoholic) and also some other surprises from my fans. Beer cap. Spiders and Tarantulas.