Channel: Amoeba
Category: Music
Tags: indieamoeba hollywoodamoeba whats in my bagheartbeatswhats in my baglphome editionveneeramoeba musicmusicjosé gonzálezswedenrecord storerecordwhat's in my bagvinyl recordslos angelesvinylwhat's in my homeshoppingameobajunipmute recordsstorejose gonzalezamoeba music (business operation)amoeba recordslocal valleyamebawhat's in my bag?amoeba what's in my baglaquarantineindie folkamoebainterview
Description: José González shares some favorite albums from his collection at home. His latest album "Local Valley" is available now from Mute Records. Check out his picks: Silvio Rodriguez - Dias Y Flores (CD) Faith Evans - The First Lady (CD) Domenique Dumont - People On Sunday (LP) Dion - Born To Be With You (LP) Rosalía - Los Ángeles (LP) Get José González's music: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: