Channel: GamingRevenant
Category: Gaming
Tags: modcs go zombie escapecs modzombie escape moviecs zombiescsgo modzombie infectionmodecs go zombie modzombieshroomforest3cs go serverzombiesescapecs go zombiecs go escapecs go zombie infectiongozombie escape modcs go modcs escapecscsgo zombiegood endingcs zombie modzombie modcsgo zombie escapecs zombie infectioncs zombiecsgocs go zombieszombie escapecs gocs zombie escape
Description: Zombie Escape Movie on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Map: ze SHROOMFOREST3 P [Ft. Elementalist] Including ALL levels and both endings (4K UHD - 60FPS) ● Server IP: (GFL Clan) ● CSGO Zombie Escape Playlist: ► LINKS JOIN OUR DISCORD: Twitter tag: GamingRevYT Twitch tag: gamingrevenantyt Facebook tag: gamingrevenant ► ALL CSGO ZOMBIE ESCAPE SERVERS and IP's GFLclan IP: GamersUnited IP: Mapeadores IP: SteamGamers IP: --------------------------------------------------------------- ► VIDEO SEGMENTS 00:00 - Level 1 - Normal 06:00 - Level 2 - Normal (By Elementalist) 11:44 - Level 3 - Normal 16:50 - Level 1 - Extreme 23:01 - Level 2 - Extreme 31:41 - Level 3 - Extreme 39:21 - Final Level - Bad Ending 51:00 - Final Level - Good Ending ► MAP INFO Creator(s) of the map: Moltard & TaskuVaras Shroomforest has a long history of updates not only on CS:S but also on CS:GO. This particular history has been more or less incorporated into the story of the final version of Shroom, which is this one portrayed in the video (3_p). In Shroomforest 3, players must first conquer numerous challenges found in the first three levels that themselves need to be replayed in an extreme version before the actual ending can be attempted. The theme is semi-cartoonish and has you literally running in a large forest with massive mushrooms, hence the name of the map. The world is getting corrupted by Satan, which is also the final boss of the whole map. You fight him twice, though the second time being a lot harder than the initial encounter. To avoid the bad ending which causes players and zombies to timeloop, you need to defeat Satan at the very end of the last level, which requires you to shoot him whilst dodging his lasers. While he will always start at the side of where zombies spawn on the large red digits, his later turns are completely random and thus requires good reflexes from all players and great agility to shoot at the same time. Shroomforest has always been one of the most popular maps, and I'm proud to finally be able to present it in a complete format at the highest quality possible. Special thanks need to be given to Elementalist, who was so kind to provide me footage of the second level on normal difficulty, where I spawned as a motherzombie and at that time didn't bother to record. ► CSGO CUSTOM SKINS M4A4: AAC Honey Badger (Custom) Negev: Sarvs PKM (Custom) Deagle: MW2 Campaign Remastered Desert Eagle (Custom) Knife: Tiger Tooth Bowie Knife (FN) Gloves: Vice Sport Gloves (FN) ► MUSIC Ending song: (Headrush - SVRGE) ► STEAMGROUP #ZombieEscape #Shroomforest #Mushrooms #CSGO