Channel: Haltech
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: efi 101engine managementignition timing vs air fuel ratiotechnically speakingtuningefi tuning basicstuning afr for powerignition timing explainedignition timing tuningdyno tuningignition timing for powerengine tuningecuair fuel ratio tuningefi tuning fundamentalsair fuel ratio explainedair to fuel ratio explainedefi tuningignition timing advanceignition timing adjustmentlearn to tuneair fuel ratioefi tuning for dummieshaltech
Description: #afr #enginetuning #haltech This is something you need to know if you're chasing horsepower - which is more important - AFR or Ignition Timing? Today we are going to tackle this hotly debated topic the proper way - with a test vehicle, a chassis dyno, and some hardcore theory thrown in. Strap yourselves in - it's gonna be a bumpy ride! Read the website article here: Got a topic you'd like us to cover? Leave it in the comments section! . Shortcuts: 00:00 Intro 00:40 Experiment Overview 01:44 Dyno pulls - Round 1 02:30 Round 1 results explained 03:50 What AFR does 07:20 Stoichiometric AFR 09:30 Why AFR doesn't produce more power 11:10 Dyno pulls - Round 2 11:50 Round 2 results explained 13:55 The Verdict ----------------------------------------------------------- Liked this video? Here are more like it: Volumetric Efficiency Explained: Volumetric Efficiency Tuning: Nitrous Injection Explained: ----------------------------------------Â---------------- Don't miss out on our next video - subscribe to our channel. ----------------------------------------Â---------------- For more Haltech goodness check out our: Website: Facebook: Instagram: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- WATCH NEXT: "🛠Top 5 DIY Pre-Dyno Checks" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-