Channel: Mahyar Tousi
Category: News & Politics
Tags: boris johnsonnorthern ireland brexiteu trade talkskeir starmertory governmentbrexiteersnicola sturgeonnigel faragewto brexitvon der leyenbrexitbbc biasbrexit newsdefund the bbcremainersmahyar tousileftists exposedremainmedia biaseu crisisremoanersboris brexituk migrationeu newsmainstream medialeft wing mediaeuropean unionpriti patelbrexit dealbritish politics
Description: Boris Johnson's government have finally annoucned plans to release timetable to abolish BBC licence fee or TV Tax. The corporation have until 2027 to find alternative ways to fund itself according to Nadine Dorries. Support the channel by becoming a member: Support the channel via PayPal: Follow me on Twitter: @MahyarTousi Follow me on Instagram: @Mahyar_Tousi Send me an email: For all press or collaboration enquires: