Channel: liana flores
Category: Music
Tags: mean girlscoverapex predatorukulelemusicalbroadwayliana floresmashupukulilimean girls the musical
Description: here's a mashup of every song from mean girls the musical, cuz i love doing mashups and i love this show!! what's your favorite mean girls song? my favorite is gretchens part in meet the plastics, it's the BEST xx also YUP i know i messed up the lyrics!! im nothing if not consistent with that 💗 on wednesdays we wear LINKs 💗 💄5% off at Bondi Ukuleles with my discount code LILY5 ! 💄7% off 1st year membership to DistroKid (get ur music on Spotify and others) twitter : spotify : Liana Flores (EP "The Water's Fine!" is out) bandcamp: soundcloud: i am not on instagram lol i'd be very grateful for a cheeky tip on paypal :