Channel: Consciousness Evolution Journey
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: scorpio twin flamescorpio tarot readingscorpio general tarot readingscorpioscorpio soul storyscorpio lovescorpio tarot forecastscorpio spiritual pathsoul storyscorpio spiritual readingscorpio tarotscorpio love storyscorpio romance
Description: *I DO NOT OFFER PERSONAL READINGS. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE POSING AS ME (ON ANY PLATFORM) OFFERING READINGS IT IS A SCAM!!* ⭐️Decks Used⭐️ 1. Make Your Own Oracle Cards - 2. Love Story Romance Oracle - not for sale 3. Miriyan Tarot - 4. Classic Tarot Mini - 5. Love Story Romance Oracle - not for sale 6. Season Of The Witch Beltane Oracle - ⭐️⭐️⭐️Disclaimers⭐️⭐️⭐️ The links provided to access the decks used in this reading are my amazon affiliate links. I do receive an advertising fee each time a link is clicked, and when a purchase is made through these links. All decks used in this reading were purchased with my own money and are used because I prefer to use these particular decks. If you want more information about a deck but are uncomfortable with affiliate links or with Amazon, you can do a Google search for any deck listed to find other retailers you prefer. I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in this video is my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Please use your discernment and personal judgment when watching tarot/oracle readings on YouTube. These readings are general readings for everyone and in no way should be used in place of your personal judgment.