Channel: CrazedCake
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: 45furryfandommemekawaiisubscribecuteshut upcreativeanimationshookrabbitcreative bunny 45bunnyanimatorfurryanimeadorable
Description: Characters: Maddie, Rayy, Violet Sometimes it's nice to be a talkative, musical person, but other times its best to just sit down and shut up! Didn't I tell you guys I'd be using flipaclip more ? Well here ya go. I used my tablet for the beginning parts that weren't animated Honestly I think this is the first animation to this song, surprising since it's so catchy .Also thank you all for +45,000 subscribers ! Credits - Audio : Crazy Loop - Joanna (Shut up) Characters Used : Maddie (Rabbit) Rainbow (Unicorn) Snowflake (Cat) ★ Instagram - ★ DeviantArt - ★ Twitter -