Channel: SaturnoMovement
Category: Sports
Tags: shoulder injuryshoulder mobilityfacepullfix shoulder painshoulder rehabstrong shouldersface pulls
Description: A deficient external rotation of the shoulder + an insufficient awareness of your scapula movement, could cause you some discomfort, reduce the potential of overall upper body strength, or -in the worst case- an injury. So, let’s begin with a recap of this Shoulder Mobility series from easier to harder: 🟢 Part 1 - Assisted exercises (Helping yourself with a stick) 👉🏽 Check it here: 🟠 Part 2 - Assisted & Free exercises (Helping yourself with a resistance band + no assistance) 👉🏽 Check it here: 🔴 Part 3 - Resisted exercises (Pulling against a resisting force with a band or rings) About these resisted exercises… 1️⃣ - TRAP 3 GLIDES w/ RES. BAND (3 sets x 3-5 slow reps/each arm) This exercise targets the Lower Traps, which help you keep your shoulder blades in a proper position as you move your arms. The focus is to not loose the external rotation as you move your hand overhead. Coordination + Strength in a somewhat isolated manner. It may take some time until you feel the lower traps properly firing. Keep practicing, the feeling will come. 2️⃣ - RING FACE PULLS (3 sets x 10-15 reps) Arguable one of the best exercises for your whole Scapula Girdle. It helps you offset all the forward pushing and internal rotation work by “forcing” you to do exactly the opposite. You could view it as an External Rotation Row. It is also easily scalable. Keep your body more horizontal (parallel to the ground) to increase difficulty, or stay more vertically to make it easier. So adjust accordingly so you can complete the reps, and feel the burn. 💙 REMEMBER THIS There is no better feedback than the sensations you feel yourself. “Knowing” what those sensations mean takes practice, so you better start paying close attention to them sooner than later. We hope this helps family. 👇🏽 We’ll read you below. Sending you love. The practice goes on. - The SM Team