Channel: She Bear
Category: Entertainment
Tags: destinychannelledconsciousnessreaderspiritreadingcoronavirusmediumastrologymessageintuitivepredictionsawakeningtarotspredictionchannellingspiritualtarotcovid 19psychicintuitionenergy
Description: ❤️ From the foundations up, we will rise stronger. 💪❤️ Big Luvs ❤️ Facebook - Instagram - shebeartarot Twitter - shebeartarot Snapchat - shebeartarot Please use the information offered responsibly. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions. Advice offered should not be used as a substitute for professional medical, legal, business or financial advice. Due to the nature of these videos, I am obliged to state that all information provided is for entertainment purposes only. Caution: Language may be strong at times. *Unfortunately, private readings are not available at this time.