Channel: Asiya Khasnutdinova Dance Fitness
Category: Entertainment
Tags: asiya khasnutdinovaflightfitdance workouttracy anderson methodasiya atlantatore my heart dancevaleofit 1000hula hoop workoutvaleo clubtore my heart dance fitnessvaleo dance fitnessbody by simoneweighted hula hoopslatin dance fitnessthe fitness marshallvaleoclubvaleoexercises with weighted hula hooptracy andersondance classes atlantadance fitnessballroom workoutdance fitness atlantahula hoop dance fitnesstango workout
Description: New excellent total body toning segment with weighted hula hoops to “TORE MY HEART” by OONA choreographed by Asiya Khasnutdinova! LOTS of Argentine Tango basics mixed with plies, lunges, arms, back, obliques, and core work! WARNING: ARMS WILL BE SORE!!! Perfect total body workout to get the ultimate lean toned dancer’s body:) Get ready to dance, sweat and have fun! For more info please visit ➡️ Follow us on Instagram ➡️ Facebook ➡️ Twitter ➡️