Channel: Flashback FilmMaking
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: james cameronterminator 2 behind the scenesterminator 2 3-d: battle across timet2 3-d: battle across time (1996)arnold schwarzenegger (terminator)edward furlong (john connor)robert patrick (t-1000)earl boen (dr. peter silberman)the making of terminator 2терминатор 2 3-d: битва сквозь времяlinda hamilton (sarah connor)michael biehn (kyle reese)
Description: T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996) Director: James Cameron Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator), Edward Furlong (John Connor), Robert Patrick (T-1000), Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor), Michael Biehn (Kyle Reese), Earl Boen (Dr. Peter Silberman) Lightstorm Entertainment Landmark Entertainment Group Universal Studios Recreation Group #Terminator ********************************************************************** 'Flashback Film Making' on this channel you will find BEHIND THE SCENES, TRAILERS, FEATURETTES, INTERVIEW etc. related to COMICBOOK SUPERHERO MOVIES «DC Comics» If you like 'DC Comics' - welcome! "come together, right now!" SUBSCRIBE: