Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: hydrogearhydrotznumberstz 450zeronumbertransmissiontz450hydraulicfixdiymodelfluidradiusgearsscruffyalltroubleshootnewneedkindoldzero turnweightoftenfilltoughcubinstallmowertufftz300plugstyleztcub cadetlawntransgearrepairscagneededparttorquethe oilpurgeturnskagtorqfixestoolsdraintrannyhowtz350oilcadetgrasskittransmission oilratspumphourschangegaragetarylrefilltz400serialserviceplugstroubleshootingto
Description: Taryl shows Scruffy the proper way to change the transmission oil on his Spartan zero turn with two Tuff Torq TZ450 transmissions in it. Taryl will go over the proper way to change the oil, what oil to use and he'll give you part numbers and more so you get the proper kit for your transmission. Another funny, yet informative, how-to video from your pals over at Grass Rats Garage! And as always... There's Your Dinner!! **Not all oil change kits fit all models, make sure to look up your kit by your serial number for the correct one for your transmission. You can do that here: Follow Tuff Torq On Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: Be sure to 'Like' Taryl & Co. on Facebook for all the current up-to-date events: Follow along on all the new projects on Instagram! @tarylfixesall Pick up YOUR Taryl Apparel Here! (Shipping Worldwide) #tufftorq #transmission #oilchange #grassratsgarage #troubleshooting #smallenginerepair #funnyhowtovideos #toughtorque #transmissions #rebuild #diy #howto #tarylfixesall