Channel: JMX
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sidemen tindergcse results dayyoutubers retake gcseswroetoshaw sidemen tinderskillsjmxsidemensidemen sundaygcseyoutubers retake their gcse’s & got ___ grades ft wroetoshawfunnyharry w2sgcsestry not to laughw2s challengesidemen challengesdmn wroetoshawreevhd24 hours skills 24 hourswroetoshawgcse results 2020sidemen learn 24 skills in 24 hourgcse results 2019moresidemenwroetoshaw gcse challengewroetoshaw sidemen challenge
Description: YouTubers Retake Their GCSE's Challenge.. ft Wroetoshaw & Reev, the Questions will be seen on the second half of the video when we mark the papers FYI! Don't forget to COUNT how many times people scratch their chins! Get it right & you could win £200!! Want to be a YouTuber? Xcademy is the Worlds first YouTube Academy. SIGN UP - Students are seeing INSANE results, just type in Xcademy review on YouTube! Believing Bruce an Xcademy student recently just hit 50,000 subscribers which is incredible! The platform will teach you everything you need to know about being a successful YouTuber, with videos put together by YouTubers with over 50 Million in total following! The community is also very strong which means your videos & channel gets instant support! Xcademy will teach you how to make better Content, how to engage your audience, how to make videos go viral & much more! Harry / W2S - Reev - Finch - Max - Hope you guys enjoyed this video! If you want to see us retake other GCSE papers let me know which subject you'd like to see & who you would like to see take them! I know I haven't uploaded in ages again, I've been super busy grinding on Xcademy & other business stuff behind the scenes. Everything is going insanely well at the moment & I'm super excited about what the future holds, again appreciate you guys & YouTube for giving me the platform. I'm not sure how regularly I can keep uploading but I will do my best, if you haven't already followed me on Insta then do it as I am a lot more active on there!