Channel: Vexxed
Category: Gaming
Tags: zyzzthirdagefilmalonersmr mammelsparc macskill specschris archieosrsdramastreamerstreamkeemstarskiddlersparc mac livedrama alertbannedpkingreturnofwildernessterminatedrunescapea friendiron bottingb0atyemilyisproreturn of wildernessice poseidonyoutubervexxedsuspendedgot brewsgross goremmorpgrsscammermonnirsthebaby123mote ploxrajj patel
Description: Yesterday ReturnOfWilderness's Youtube channel got suspended for copyright infringement as a direct result of Jagex. I'l be explaining what he did and why he got his channel with 70k subscribers shut down. Full video of the guy getting scammed by Return of Wilderness: First song: Alex Skrindo - Jumbo.mp3 Second song: Blackbear - Girls Like U (Tarro Remix)