Channel: Alex Clark
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: field tripbusitsalexclarkitsalexclark youtubealex clark channelschool storiesalex clark vlogsanimated storyanimationdetention donnaschool field tripyoutube alex clarkits alex clarkclark cartoonsfield tripsanimatednycalex clarkanimated videosanimation channelitsalexclark channelalex clark youtubeyoutube itsalexclark
Description: I tried to be cool on a school field trip.... Join our Discord: Become A Board Member/Merch: Animation Team: Penny Morales Franz Warmling SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Insta: Twitter: Tiktok: WE MAKE VIDS WITH: Toon Boom Harmony: Music is from Epidemic (30-Day Free Trial): Board Member Episode Producers: Psych2Go Stephen J. Hooker Ethan Karpinski Drunk_on_insomnia Abdullah Redha Aron Noel Joson Nick Morrison Kaelea Weekly Blaze-Kun YT Jennifer Seigfried Serena Anthony Gammel Morgan Jeremy Sutherland JP L'Ecuyer Owen Peters MaQmlgh Francis Lau Disnyrtl Randomgamer735 Lillian Carilo Mayin angeltrex Kristina Luwyn Werewusky Alexander Brooks StephenDavid Ruffles Jose Gomez JD The Cult Leader AlaskanJosh98 GoldNightCat SuggestedGFX Fang the Werehog that weirdo Valerie Meza JamesthesheriffDixon Janice Huang Rick Romero Molly Dowling nicole ford Thank you to every board member out there. I can't do this without you.