Channel: codedamn
Category: Education
Tags: codedamnfullstack developmentcssmicrosofthackathonsgoogle chromehackinglearn coding for beginnersbackendprogramminglearn programming in 2022pythonprogramming dailychromefacebookcoding dailygoogleuser vulnerabilityvulnerabilityjavascriptfrontend programmingdays of codemehul mohandeveloperethical hackingbecome a fullstack developer in 2022 for beginnershackedfullstackfrontend100daysofcode
Description: There has been a new development in google chrome on the vulnerability side and an urgent release of the chrome version to patch actively exploited zero-day vulnerability has been pushed. In this video, let's extensively understand what this means and why you should be concerned. Drop a comment and let us know if you've watched this video till the end! ⚛️ Do you want to become a full-stack web developer? Check out codedamn's full-stack learning path: ⚛️ Get started with web3 and decentralized technologies today: Timestamps 0:00 Teaser 0:29 Type confusion in V8 3:18 CVE-2022-0609 Vulnerability 3:45 Conclusion 4:28 Outro 👉 Checkout codedamn on social: Instagram: Twitter: Discord community: Facebook: GitHub: If you found the video valuable, please leave a like and subscribe ❤️ It helps the channel grow and helps me pump out more such content. ✨ Video Tags ✨ 3.2 Billion Chrome Users Are Vulnerable 😱 ✨ Hashtags ✨ #googlechrome #vulnerability #hacked #programming #2022