Channel: Jazzduets
Category: Music
Tags: coursesadvancedlearnjazzsoulsaxophoneimproviselearningbluesscaleimprovisationbluessaxosaxplayermusicexercisesbeginnerscalesintermediatestudiessheetjazzduetsvideoclass
Description: The Soul Scales are unique as they contain both the Major and Minor 3rd - the Ying Yang if you like of Jazz and Blues. Assimilating and controlling these 2 sounds is of fundamental importance to the improvisor š“ Download PDF and Mp3Ā“s : ā¶ļø Original video: ā¶ļø Preview 10 Free classes from SOUL SCALE course here: š“ Check Out the Next Level Minor Chord Techniques Online course: ā¶ļø Check out my foundational Soul Scale Improvisational course: ā¶ļø Check out my Triad Pair Thesaurus: My name is Nick Homes. I was, and still am a non genius musician who struggled for many years to find out the secrets of jazz playing. Throughout 35 years of playing, and obsessive investigation I have focussed on building systems of learning for myself and students so they can improve , and reach their goals with the highest probability. #music #saxophone #jazz