Channel: Bay Area Buggs
Category: Gaming
Tags: automodsgrand theft autosapdfrgta 5gta vgta onlinegta 5 sapdfrgta v sapdfrbayareabuggsrole playorange county role playgtapolice pursuitcriminalbaymultiplayer modsmultiplayerfunnygroupmodificationsareaocrpbay area buggsgamingvideo gamemultiplayer with modsgta 5 onlinegrandtheftcommunitygta 5 roleplayfriendspolicepcfivem4kpolice chasebuggshdgameplay60fpsrole playing
Description: Join @CivRyan and myself in OCRP as we attempt to drive a massive dump truck through Los Santos to the LTD on Grove street! ►Merch► ►Twitter► ►Instagram► ►Other Links To Contact Me► 00:00 - Intro 00:35 - The Long Drive 04:03 - Finally in The City 08:28 - Police Interaction 15:53 - Escort out of City 19:13 - Bump Drafting 21:50 - Outro #OCRP #FiveM #GTA5RP