Channel: Rich Alvarez
Category: Gaming
Tags: nintendoyoshilet’s playyoshi’s island livesmbyoshi’s island super nintendostupid mario brosyoshi’s island themestupid mario brotherssuper nintendostreamyoshi islandyoshi’s island musicliveyoshi’s island snesrich playsislandyoshi’s island live streammariorichyoshi’s island streamyoshi’s island gameplaylive streamsuper mario world 2let’s play yoshi’s islandyoshi’s islandrich alvarezyoshis islandsuper mariosnes
Description: Rich Plays Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - The classic Super Nintendo game! Yoshi's Island was originally released on the Super Nintendo (SNES) in 1995. #YoshisIsland #LiveStream #RichAlvarez Join the RichAlvarez Discord: Rich Alvarez - Social Media Links: Chris Muller - Social Media Links: CHAT RULES: Thank you for reading! We need to implement some rules to make sure we maintain a positive vibe in the chat. If you break the rules, you’ll get a warning and a time out. If you break them again, you’ll be muted/banned. 1) Please be respectful and courteous to us, our mods, and everyone else in chat. 2) No politics / religion / medical discussions. 3) No backseat gaming. 4) No spamming the chat. 5) No insults / name calling / trolling. 6) No complaining if we don’t read your chat. 7) No stirring up drama with other YouTubers. 8) No begging for attention. 9) No self-promo. 9A) Unless asked to share by the streamers. There’s a Self Promo channel in the Discord if you want to share you channel or video there. 10) If you get blocked/muted, you broke the rules. You can message one of the mods (like Squiggles) on Discord or Twitter and ask for an appeal. Do not discuss ban appeals here on YouTube, or you will be blocked. List of Chat Commands General Notifications: !like – Reminds everyone to like the video !subscribe – Reminds everyone to Subscribe !bell – Reminds everyone to hit the Notification Bell !live – Shares the current number of Live Viewers !rules – Reminds viewers to read the rules !spam – Reminds viewers not to spam the chat Memes & Emojis: !blooper – Blooper Meme !$20 – Twenty Dollars Meme !stealing – Stealing Meme !hearts – Posts Red Hearts !dead – Posts Black Hearts !gold - Posts Gold Hearts !star - Posts Gold Stars !luck - Posts Green Hearts & Clovers !fail - Posts Face Palm Emojis Social Media: !discord – Shares the Discord Invite Link !facebook – Shares the RMA Facebook Page !twitter – Shares the RMA Twitter Handle !Chris - Share's Chris's YouTube Channel !Matt- Shares Matt's YouTube Channel