Channel: Shonnetta's Divine Tarot
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: intuitive readingyes or notwin flame readingpick a card love tarotpick a card tarot readingtarot pick a card readingpick a card lovesoulmatesastrologypick a card readingpick a cardshonnettas divine tarotpick a card love readinghoroscopetwin flamespick a card careerpick a card yes or notarottwin flame pick a card reading
Description: Have a BURNING question that you want a straight YES OR NO answer to? This is the JUICY in-depth Pick A Card Reading for you my friend! 🔥✨ 🧿TIMESTAMPS🧿 Card Selection 3:06 Group 1 5:05 Group 2 15:27 Group 3 26:27 Group 4 37:14 Group 5 46:20 Group 6 56:31 Want to learn spell work, rituals and dive deeper into tarot? This is the membership for you. We will be covering everything from what's going on astrologically, diving deeper into understanding more of your zodiac signs (Sun, Moon, Rising, etc.) and monthly horoscopes for each of the signs. Learn everything from money magic and spiritual baths, to divination and much more to come! 😍DECKS USED😍 Manara Tarot Angel Answers Oracle The ✨Hextasies✨ Oracle Deck ❤️ 💜Also, I want to thank you all so much for watching all my videos and the support, and all the new subscribers! Make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel for more Weekly tarot videos!!💜 ❤️ Help my father in-law beat cancer! If you have any video suggestions leave them down below, I would love to do them!✨ If this resonated for you, and you would like to support my channel, please feel free to donate - Cash app : $ShonnettasTarot Want to send me something?😊💕 P.O Box 61 California, MD 20619 💙Become a Patron and support Shonnetta'sDivineTarot today!💙 Get access to EXCLUSIVE fun Tarot content!! 📸Follow my Instagrams: 📲Connect With me On My Other SocialMedias! Shonnetta's Twitter: @shonnettastarot Cris's Twitter: @crisharnden Shonnetta's TikTok @Shonnettasintuition Intro/Outro by the amazing Soleil Lisette Design ❤ DISCLAIMER** All readings I post are for entertainment purposes only. I am not responsible for any choices or decisions you make as a result from my readings! Love and light💙 FTC Disclousure: Affiliate links are linked to my account and support my channel at no cost to you! It helps grow the channel, thank you for your support!! #YesOrNoTarot #ShonnettasDivineTarot #PickACard