Channel: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
Category: Music
Tags: how to sing betterlearn to singappoggiosing bettervoice lessonsbel canto singing20 22 salektva salesinging lessonsvoice coachbeltinghead voicemix voicevocal trainingchest voiceken tamplinhow to beltvocal academyhigh notessinging techniqueopen throat singing2022vocal rangemixed voiceken tamplin vocal academyincrease vocal rangevocal techniquehow to sing20 22rock singingrick beatosinging program
Description: In this video I am making a one-time crazy-affordable offer to try Volume 1, the foundation of my singing course. Yep, I've Lost My Mind! Call Me Crazy... But I Am Really Going To Do This 20/22! I literally received hundreds of people asking if I would run another crazy special like I did for my “20/20” offer. What was my 20/20 offer? About six months ago I ran a special for the first time in the history of KTVA where people could get my foundational course for just $20… and then $20/mo after their first month. (The normal price of my course is $149 to join and then $20 per month for as long as you want to do the course.) But I had hundreds of people and I mean literally hundreds of people that say they missed that offer and would I please consider doing it again. So. For this one time I'm going to extend the insane offer I did six months ago… and you can now get into my course for just $20, and then only $22 a month after that, for as long as you want to do the course. You can cancel it anytime, no questions asked. You can also upgrade into my 3.0 Pro course at any time if and when you feel ready to do that. Think about it, for the price of a couple Starbucks coffees or a McDonald's meal you can step into arguably the most powerful singing course on the planet… which has revolutionized thousands and thousands of singers’ voices. I'm only going to run the special for one week and I had no intentions of doing it again. So if you ever thought about wanting to learn to sing or to advance your singing skills beyond what you thought possible, now is the time to do it. I know there are a lot of people around the world that cannot afford expensive courses so if you're interested, now would be the time to do this. If you have enjoyed my singing tutorials on YouTube, please understand all of my videos on YouTube are very small soundbites of what you would get in my course. The course is actually the completed version of all of the small little videos I have on YouTube. And they are laid out in a way that connects the dots in building your voice from the ground up or taking your voice to the next level. One more thing. If you jump on this 20/22 offer…I will also allow you to join in my monthly live webinars - where you can ask me questions in real time, and watch me answer them in real time. I normally charge $500/hr for my coaching sessions. Which means you are getting $500 of live access to me every month. Alrighty. CLICK the LINK Below to sign up for the 2022 special: #2022Sale #CrazyOneTimeOffer #KTVAVolume1