Channel: Super saiyan Cabby28
Category: Gaming
Tags: xenoverse 2 free updatexenoverse 2 dlc 14dragon ballxenoverse 2 dlcxenoverse 2 gameplaydragon ball zdbsxenoverse 2xv2dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc 15xenoversedragon ball xenoverse 2dbxv2xenoverse 2 dlc 15super saiyan cabby28dlcdragon ball superdbzgameplay
Description: As always thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this dragon ball xenoverse 2 video going over the potential of dlc 15 being the last dlc for xenoverse 2 and before we see xenoverse 3. Let me know if you think dlc 15 will be the last dlc on xenoverse 2 and if you agree with some of the things I said or if you think there are different reasons as to why dlc 15 could be the last one that we get for xenoverse 2. Join this channel to get access to perks: Most music by rifiti beats or musicality check them out! #DragonBallXenoverse2 #DragonBallZ #Xenoverse2