Channel: Super saiyan Cabby28
Category: Gaming
Tags: xenoverse 2 dlc 14dragon ballxenoverse 2 dlcxenoverse 2 gameplaydragon ball zdbsxenoverse 2xv2xenoversedragon ball xenoverse 2dbxv2super saiyan cabby28dlcdragon ball superdbzgameplay
Description: As always thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this dragon ball xenoverse 2 video discussing what is going on with dlc 14 and how it possibly could be delayed after the dragon ball super movie has been delayed. If DLC 14 is going to be based on the movie it could potentialy effect when this dlc comes out which if it does we may not see dlc 14 till july or maybe even august. Join this channel to get access to perks: Most music by rifiti beats or musicality check them out! #DragonBallXenoverse2 #DragonBallZ #Xenoverse2