Channel: bigedude33
Category: Comedy
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Description: Got a perfect 8-0 Survivor and then got a pull from the EDB!! Life is cool! Hope you are doing well! I'm streaming every day in April! YOU ROCK! YEAHHH BUDDAYYYY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Linkity Dinkities, Fan Mail and *FAQ*: 🎸 Twitch: @bigedude33 🎸 Tiktok: @bigedudeyeahbudday 🎸 🎸 Twitter: @bigedude33 🎸 Facebook: @bigedude33 🎸 Instagram: @bigedude33 FAN MAIL: bigedude P.O. Box 29 Yorkville,NY,13495 Q: How do you play games on your computer? A:This days I mostly use Bluestacks 5 and SLOBS for PC. Q: How do I get Bluestacks? A: Go to Then download it... Q: What recording software do you use/broadcast with? A: I use SLOBS or Streamlabs OBS It's free and you can do so much with it - Just look at a couple of SLOBS tutorials here and you're all set!! Q: Can you give me any tips? A: There are tips and tricks in EVERY episode - just watch Q: Will you give me a shoutout? A: Not like that. There are plenty of ways to get them 1 - Be an active member in the Commentunity * The Comments section* 2 - Come to the Live broadcasts and chat/ask questions there 3 - Random easter egg hunts in videos Q: How old are you? A: Well, at the time of this video, I'm either 47, or not. Q: Were you really a teacher? A: Yes I was! The 2020-21 school year was my 24th year as a Jr. High Choir/General Music Teacher. I have now left the teaching profession as an 'Early Retirement' and now plan on philanthropic endeavors. Also I will do my best to help humans strive to be the best version of themselves in this reality. It may be the poorer definition of Philanthropy, but it still works in my mind, and that's what's important to me. Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe today to join the fun!! FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: ➜ Contact me at: