Channel: THE101
Category: Gaming
Tags: unoficcial assisted finishersbest moveswwe 2k22 assisted finisherstag team moveswwe gameswwe 2k22 top 10assisted finisherswwe 2k22finishing movestag team finisherswwe 2k22 finisher combosuniversewwe 2kthe101tag team compilationwrestlingfinisher combinations
Description: This video showcases forty tag team moves that make for some incredible assisted finishers and finisher combinations for superstars on the WWE 2K22 roster. Note: the moves list features the names of the intended unofficial finisher combos / assisted finishers and is not what the moves are named as in-game. The WWE 2K22 countdown is over! WWE 2K22 has arrived. On the channel we'll be covering all things WWE 2K22 on the PlayStation 5 - Gameplay, details, showcases and more! #WWE2K22 #WWE2K #WWEGames SOCIAL MEDIA: