Channel: InstituteofTrading
Category: Education
Tags: tradingbillionairechristopher quillwhat's on your mindhedge fundsstock marketinvestments banksforexnysesp500edward shekmoneymillion dollar tradersmillionaireinstitute of trading and portfolio managementitpmjason mcdonaldanton kreilwoyminvestingfinance
Description: On this episode of What’s On Your Mind? #WOYM - ITPM Mentors Edward Shek & Jason McDonald have a laid back discussion on what they think matters right now in the financial markets when making trading and portfolio management decisions. Subscribe below to get notifications for future episodes. We will be releasing new episodes every two weeks. Enjoy the show! Episode 75 of What's On Your Mind? #WOYM "It's about to go Nuclear" with Edward Shek & Jason McDonald || Filmed 02/02/2022, Uploaded 02/04/2022 || Edward Shek 3 Month Trader Mentoring Program CLICK HERE Jason McDonald 3 Month Trader Mentoring Program CLICK HERE ITPM Webinars, Seminars and Conferences CLICK HERE ITPM Online Educational Courses CLICK HERE