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Worst Fights In MMA 4

Duration: 13:32Views: 262.2KLikes: 7.6KDate Created: Sep, 2020

Channel: TheMontageKing MMA

Category: Sports

Tags: mmahouston alexandermixed martial artswwesportsronda rouseycomedybellatorkimbo sliceoleg taktarovpaul daleysylviatyron woodleyufcultimate fighting championshipmichael venom pageconor mcgregordemian maiaarlovskiwonderboytank abbott

Description: Mixed martial fights are meant to be exciting, but sometimes the most boring fights can be the most entertaining, well if they're edited properly. This is a list of some more of the Worst Fights In MMA. patreon.com/TheMontageKing Please consider supporting the channel on Patreon Don't forget to subscribe! Voiced by Mike DelGaudio mikedelgaudio.com facebook.com/5roundmma twitter.com/5thRoundMMA

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